Understanding the Process of Drug Development According to Vilvet Pharmaceutical

Vilvet Pharmaceutical New Drug

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest in terms of funding and revenue. It accounts for over 446 billion dollars in the United States alone. The United States has 45% of the total production of pharmaceutical products in the world.

Although a widespread and highly profitable industry, pharmaceutical companies must comply with strict standards in order to obtain a product approval from the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). This means that in order to thrive, pharmaceutical companies must have the best roster of researchers, manufacturers, and equipment.

If you’re someone who wants to explore the field of pharmaceuticals, you may be wondering about how drugs are developed, produced, and approved. Vilvet Pharmaceutical, a well-known pharmaceutical company, provides this concise guide of understanding the drug development process along with its main steps.

Understanding the Process of Drug Development: Main Steps

The discovery and development of drugs

The birth of a new drug or an improvement of a present drug encompasses this first step. This is usually done through application of research findings. For example, researchers may have discovered the mechanism of how a disease progresses. This can provide them with new insights on what substances they can combine to attack this mechanism.

On the other hand, researchers can also improve present drugs that may have adverse effects that weren’t discovered previously. At this stage, there are also lab clinical trials that can be held and considered for early testing. If some substances have shown promising effects, these samples are sent for further study.

Some factors to consider when developing a drug are the following:

  • The method of absorption
  • The dosage
  • The frequency of dosage
  • Potential side effects and contraindications
  • Effectiveness compared to similar drugs

Initial clinical research

The drug discovery and development stage do not involve human clinical trials. For this next stage to be accomplished, there must be an initial clinical research about drug toxicity. The two main types of research at this stage include In Vitro and In Vivo procedures. In Vitro procedures are those done in microorganisms such as cells, bacteria, or virus strains. In Vivo procedures are those done in larger organisms such as animals or plants.

FDA requires that all pharmaceutical companies should comply with good laboratory practices (GLP) while conducting these experiments. These include standards in the following areas:

  • facilities
  • equipment
  • manpower
  • protocols
  • experiment procedures

When toxicity is determined and deemed safe for human consumption, their researchers can now proceed to human clinical trials.

Main clinical research

The initial clinical research can provide insight with a drug’s potential side effects on humans, but it cannot replace actual clinical trials conducted on humans.

Thus, the main clinical research must be conducted to prove the actual effects of the drugs towards patients. At this stage, researchers must be able to conduct the following sub-steps:

  • Creating a clinical trial procedure
  • Conducting clinical research phase studies
  • Submitting an Investigational New Drug (IND)
  • Looking for FDA assistance

Researchers have the responsibility of crafting the right clinical trial procedure based on the results of the initial research. This includes factors on who is eligible for the clinical trial, how much dosage it will be, how long the studies will last, and what assessments are needed to determine the drug effectivity.

After this, pharmaceutical companies such as Vilvet Pharmaceutical are required to submit an Investigational New Drug (IND) while seeking FDA assistance to complete the phase studies. Most drug testing is done in four phases–the first phase lasting for months and the last having a duration of up to four years.

The FDA will review the IND submission within 30 days before companies can start their clinical trials.

FDA review, approval and monitoring

If the clinical trial is successful, the FDA will complete a comprehensive review of the studies published based on the main drug research. Companies are required to submit all details of the drug, including the following:

  • Labeling
  • Safety precautions
  • Drug abuse risks
  • Review board compliance
  • Usage directions

Members of the review team will look into the submission, while inspectors will travel on-site to assess the facilities and processes that will be utilized to manufacture the drug. When all of the standards are met within this stage, the FDA will provide an approval for distribution.

Additionally, these post-approval drugs will also be constantly monitored by the FDA for potential safety risks to ensure the highest standard of quality.

As people understand the stages that a drug must go through to get approved, it is comforting to know that trusted companies such as Vilvet Pharmaceutical do their best to cater to consumers.

Punch Associates Discuss If You Should Pay Your Medical Bills With Your Credit Cards

The Commonwealth Fund found that over 79 million Americans are struggling to pay medical bills and medical debt. There is 41 percent of working-age Americans who either have problems with medical bills or are trying to pay off medical debt. According to Nerdwallet, over half of the personal bankruptcies in the U.S., today are due to medical debt.

At Punch Associates, a firm that specializes in providing solutions to borrowers in heavy debt, we often are asked if one should pay their medical debts with a credit card. The short answer is to only pay with a credit card if you can pay off the balance within the billing period. The issues facing consumers that are not able to pay their medical bills in less than 30 days are more complex. This article will discuss those issues and explain why not to use plastic when you cannot pay a medical bill in full.

Why Not Use Your Credit Card?

According to Lexington Law, if you use your credit card to pay for a medical bill, and you will need to pay it off for a while, you are going to have more trouble paying off the debt because most credit cards have double-digit interest rates. Even taking on a higher balance on your credit card will adversely impact your credit score. Also, if you default on the credit card, it will impact your credit score. On the other hand, if you do some steps to work with the medical provider, your interest rate could be either zero or low, and you may be able to get them to reduce the fee.

Steps to Take With Medical Debt

If you have a medical bill that you cannot pay in one credit card billing cycle, the following are some tips:

Get your insurance to pay their share: It is your responsibility to get your insurer to pay for their portion of your medical debt if they have not already.

Pro-actively call the billing department: Nerdwallet advises that billing departments of medical facilities will only hold onto debt for so long before they send the unpaid bill to collections. Once the collectors have it, you will more likely see it come up on your credit score. As long as the debt remains with the medical billing department, it will likely not affect your credit.

Question charges: Nerdwallet suggests that medical debt may have inaccuracies. Maybe you were charged for a procedure that you never received, or you were over-charged.

Ask for a lower fee: It does not hurt to ask for a lower bill because you may very well get your fee reduced. Nerdwallet advises that a lot of medical providers are willing to provide payment schedules to meet your income level. If you are indigent, they may wave the bill entirely. This will not affect your credit score.

Ask to make payments: If you can get the billing department to agree to allow you to make payments, those payments will often not carry any interest. That is the diametric opposite of the situation you would have been in had you paid the bill with your credit card.

Ask if they have a medical debt card: Some hospitals have a medical debt card in lieu of allowing you to make interest-free payments. You will need to find out about the interest rate charges. Often, there is a period of up to two years where the payments can be made interest-free.

Consider debt consolidation or a zero-interest, balance transfer credit card: If none of the other strategies work, you may qualify for a personal loan at a reasonably low-interest rate that would allow you to pay off the debt in three to seven years or less. If you can pay off the balance in a year or so, you could get a zero-interest, balance transfer card. The risk with the latter option is in something unforeseen happening where you end up not being able to pay the debt. Then, the interest rate will likely skyrocket, leaving you in the same shape you would have been in had you paid the debt with your credit card in the first place.

As you can see, there is a bit more latitude in working with the billing department when you have medical debt. Try those avenues first. At Punch Associates, we also have solutions for people struggling under high debt loads. Contact us today with any questions you may have

Keel Associates Discusses What Americans Can Do About Their Medical Debt

According to PBS, even patients who have medical insurance are finding it difficult to pay off their medical bills. Investopedia reported that one emergency room visit can cost from $500 to $3,000. Of adults between the ages of 20 and 65, 75 percent cannot pay off their medical bills. PBS found that one-sixth of all Americans have a past due medical bill that is showing up on their credit report and driving down their credit score.

If you are having trouble paying off medical debt, Keel Associates, a firm that specializes in solutions for families struggling with debt, has some suggestions.

See if the Fee is Covered on Your Insurance –

Sometimes, there are mistakes, and your insurance should have taken care of the fee. If you are pro-active, you can get the insurance carrier to cover the expense. The Balance suggests you notify the billing department of your medical provider that you are trying to get your insurance to pay for the charge.

Apply for Medicaid –

According to The Balance, even if you already incurred the fee, if you act quickly and apply for Medicaid, they will pay for the expense, if you qualify.

Try to Negotiate –

According to Modern Healthcare, there are a percentage of medical debts that hospitals will write off as “charity care,” if your finances are in really bad shape, and you will be unable to pay. The Balance also stated that sometimes charges are unreasonable, and you can negotiate them down. Nerdwallet suggests you try to negotiate a payment plan but that you confirm if there are any fees or interest rate you may have to pay in order to settle up in that manner.

Medical Credit Cards –

According to Nerdwallet, there are medical credit cards that your healthcare provider might suggest if they are not amenable to a payment arrangement. These credit cards often have zero-percent interest for six to 12 months. The problem is that you need to find out how much interest will be charged if you fail to pay down the balance after the zero-interest period. Often, the interest is only deferred.

Pay With Your Consumer Credit Card –

Nerdwallet suggests that, if you have one of those high-interest, consumer credit cards and use it to pay an expensive medical bill, you could end up laboring under high-interest payments that you can never really pay down.

Get a Zero-Interest Credit Card –

Rather than using a high-interest credit card, you could pay the medical fee with a zero-interest credit card. This is a good tactic if you know you will be able to pay off the balance during the 12 to 18 month interest-free period.

Get a Personal Loan –

If the bill is just too high to pay off in a year or so, then a personal loan might be a good idea. As opposed to credit card debt, personal loans often have lower interest rates. If you are one of the thousands of Americans who owe less than $600 dollars in medical debt, you could consolidate the medical debt with high-interest credit card debt you may be carrying. In that manner, you could pay off your debts by making one monthly payment at a lower interest rate.

Contact Keel Associates with any questions you have about medical debt or any kind of consumer debt. We have solutions to help our customers emerge from financial difficulties due to excessive debt

Thomas Ocheltree Explains What an Infected Wisdom Tooth Can Do to Your Overall Health

thomas ocheltree oral surgery

Your oral health is very important to maintain and practicing healthy habits each day is imperative to ensure that your teeth are as strong and healthy as possible. However, a common oral problem that people suffer from is infected wisdom teeth. Infected wisdom teeth, also known as pericoronitis, can have lasting effects on one’s health.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth have the name they are given because when we become older, and naturally wiser, they start to erupt. Dentists refer to these teeth as third molars because they are the third set of molars that grow during permanent teeth development. However, because wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to become permanent, it gives way to a lot of potential issues. Oftentimes, wisdom teeth will find little room to break through the gums because of the teeth that are already present. Sometimes, these teeth cannot break through the gums at all, and these teeth eventually become impacted.

Symptoms of Infected Wisdom Teeth

There are a few symptoms that can easily be identified as an infected wisdom tooth. The most obvious symptom is pain at the site in question. If there is difficulty opening the mouth, swelling in the gum tissue or a bad taste in the mouth (which could be caused by pus leakage from the gums), that can also suggest there is an infection. While it is less common, swollen lymph nodes in the neck can also be a possible sign. Dentists will normally take an X-ray of the area to determine the alignment of the teeth, and the presence of a gum flap can be easily detected to confirm the diagnosis.

How Infection Takes Place

In other cases, wisdom teeth find themselves breaking through only a portion of the way and eventually get stuck in their growth. This can lead directly to infection. If a tooth only has come a little portion through the surface, then a flap of gum tissue will cover it. With this flap in place, food particles and other foreign materials can get stuck in between. If these materials aren’t removed, this can irritate the gum tissue and cause infection as a result. This can cause that area of the mouth to be very painful, causing discomfort when eating or brushing teeth. Pericoronitis takes place when the tissue surrounding the crown of the wisdom tooth is inflamed. You should consult a dentist like Dr. Thomas Ocheltree for more information about the infection process and how it can impact you.

How Infection Impacts You and How to Respond

Infections in the gums and areas surrounding the wisdom tooth can spread to the jaw. In turn, infections that take place in the jaw can circulate in the bloodstream in other rare cases. That is why it is very important to not believe that the wisdom tooth infection remains localized in the mouth. If it goes without treatment or removal, it can have lasting effects on other areas of the body.

In order to alleviate discomfort and the problem altogether, a long-term plan is needed to determine if the wisdom tooth needs to be removed altogether. Sometimes, all that is needed is for the excess gum flap to be removed. In other cases, if the infection is deep, the tooth itself will have to be removed as well.

Treatment Plans at Home

According to Thomas Ocheltree, you do not have to wait for your next dentist appointment to take action against wisdom tooth infections. While you obviously cannot operate yourself, there are treatment plans that you can implement at home to alleviate discomfort. The priority is to reduce the swelling and inflammation as much as possible. This is typically caused by the bacterial growth within the area.

One such intervention that can help with symptom relief is to rinse with an alcohol-free antibiotic solution or some warm saltwater. If you do this on a regular base, you can prevent the bacteria from overgrowing so the wisdom tooth can grow in without having to overcome any blockage. Doing this can also clean up any infection that may be lingering before addressing the inflamed gums. Dr. Thomas Ocheltree happens to be an expert in the industry if you have lingering concerns.

In addition, it is always important to maintain excellent oral care. This means brushing your teeth on a regular basis, flossing after meals and rinsing with mouthwash. If you notice that pain or discomfort does not leave you after an extended period of time, you should seek professional assistance in order to prevent complications that can arise as a result.

5 Questions To Ask Your Orthopedic Surgeon


Orthopedic surgery is a form of surgery that is primarily concerned with the musculoskeletal system. With any surgery, there are bound to be many questions regarding the uncertainty of certain procedures, especially if you have not gotten a procedure done before. So before you get placed under the knife, here are five questions to consider asking your orthopedic surgeon at your next operation.

1. How Is This Procedure Done?

One of the first things you should consider asking your surgeon is how the procedure is done. Your surgeon is responsible for proper education, and this starts with a detailed explanation of what the surgery will entail. You are entitled to ask not only how it is performed, but the kind of instruments that will be used in the procedure as well as the length of time you will need to be operated. You have every right to understand what the surgeons will be doing to you while you are under anesthesia, so be sure to express any of these concerns from the start.

2. What Happens If I Refuse Surgery?

Whether it is due to cost or generalized fear, there are many reasons as to why patients reject surgical procedures, despite the clear benefits. If you are on the mend of rejecting a surgery, which you are more than entitled to, you should ask what the potential consequences of surgery refusal can be. For example, if you have chronic pain in your joint, refusing to have a procedure can potentially limit activities of daily living and the pain can get progressively worse. Depending on what the surgery you are getting, each kind can present a unique set of consequences. Do your due diligence and ask what these can be.

3. Why Do You Recommend I Get This Procedure?

You should not make any rash decisions regarding surgery, especially if it is not warranted. However, if you are recommended to have a surgical procedure done, it is likely due to a medical recommendation based on certain tests or objective and subjective signs on your part. Your surgeon will be able to explain why the surgical procedure you are getting is most suitable for your condition unique to you. Decisions typically vary on the location and severity of the pain you are experiencing, but there are other factors to consider. Ask about these before you get the surgery performed on you. You can check out Dr. Gregg Shellack for more information specific to this issue.

4. What Type of Anesthesia Is Required?

Orthopedic surgery that is minor typically only requires local anesthesia, but major procedures may require general anesthesia. Depending on what your specific case is and the type of surgery you are getting, you should ask your surgeon which type of anesthesia you will be getting. You should also inquire about the risks associated with anesthesia. This is especially the case if you will be unconscious during the procedure.

5. When Can I Resume Normal Activities?

Perhaps the number 1 question on everyone’s mind in a post-surgical world is when they can go back to living life normally. Activities of daily living such as driving, exercising, or even walking can be altered by surgery. Ask your surgeon how long recovery typically takes and what physical recommendations you should live by for the time being.

Dr. Gregg Schellack believes that Orthopedic surgery contains a lot of components, and with those components should come questions.

4 Best Industry Compliant Software Every Practice Should Have


Managing your patients’ information is important for any medical practice or corporation. It is a source of trust that you are given whenever you work with patients in their time of need. Finding the right compliance software is crucial when it comes to keeping your patient’s information safe and properly managed. Fortunately, there are dozens of compliance software programs on the market that you can utilize. They are all HIPAA compliant and have ranked incredibly high when it comes to user feedback. Let’s take a look at some of these compliance software programs that will help you decide which one is right for your practice.

Network Configuration Manager

Nothing showcases excellence like Network Configuration manager. This program is developed by SolarWinds Network Management and provides you with powerful tools to maintain and organize patient information. Automated configuration and saving settings are implemented to help save your data in the event that you need to roll back your system. There are also audit configurations that will alert you when something becomes non-compliant and seeks your attention to fix it. This is a fantastic tool for small-to-medium sized practices who need great software to keep their business compliant.


This compliance software has received dozens of positive reviews across the board. Many practitioners are saying that they would recommend LogicGate to anyone who is need of reliable compliance software. The general workflow of the LogicGate program focuses more on automation. This will allow your program to focus on important aspects such as audit control, governance, and other functions that keep your workflow rolling smoothly during the day. The program comes with a free trial that will allow you to test out its features. You will also receive risk alerts that can keep you updated when actions may be potentially non-compliant.

Master Control

Master Control is used by some of the largest regulatory agencies here in The United State. This program can help you get your products onto shelves and become compliance ready in almost no time. Over 1,000 corporations in 30 countries around the world depend heavily on Master Control in order to keep their products compliant at all times. The program has the capability to monitor subsystems and alert you when an action may end up being a risk factor. Master Control can also provide corrective action for you to follow whenever this action happens. Consider Master Control for all of your product compliance needs.

Quality Management Software

This program developed by Qualio provides pharmaceutical corporations with an all-in-one solution for their compliance needs. This wonderful program is designed specifically to help you get your products to market that are approved by the FDA, ISO, and more regulatory services. It is a must-have for corporations that wish to get their products to the market in a timely manner that are compliant with these regulatory agencies. Quality Management Software also comes with a free-trial version that can let you find out if this compliance software is for you.

Finding The Right Program to Keep You Compliant

Compliance is an important aspect in any niche of healthcare. It is the regulations that help us keep our products and patients’ information compliant. We must abide by the rules that have been set forth for us to follow. Fortunately, finding the right software can help you manage these regulations in a timely manner. It will help you overcome any potential loopholes that you were unaware of thanks to these programs’ automation features. Various companies like PCIHIPAA BBB utilize some of these programs to help their customers as well. Be sure to use this guide to find the right compliance software out there to aid your business. This will improve proficiency and keep your reputation safe.

Colby Burke Discusses What to Expect When Seeing a Hilton Head Dentist for the First Time

Many people are very scared of going to the dentist and it’s even more true for those that are going for their first time or visiting a new doctor. Some of this anxiety can be reduced by just having an idea of what to expect. Pair that with a good dentist, such as, 
Colby Burke Hilton Head and you’ll be able to go to your appointment with little to no fear. With that said, take a look at these 5 things you should expect at your first dental appointment. 

New Paperwork

One of the first things you’ll do when you get to the office is fill out paperwork. If you’ve been to the doctor before, then you’ll know that these can take a little while to complete. They’ll probably have you show up around 15 minutes before your actual appointment. Not only will these papers ask about past work, but they’ll also ask about insurance and any health issues that you might have. These answers will help your dentist take better care of you. 


Next, the dentist will probably have you do some x-rays. These can take a bit of time and be a little bit uncomfortable, but they need to get many different shots. The reason these are so important is because there could be things going on that can’t be seen with the naked eye. These will also help your dentist figure out what kind of work you need done and if there’s anything that needs dealt with right away. 

Thorough Exam

After your x-rays, the dentist will want to do a thorough exam. This will let them see how much plaque there is, any cavities or tooth injuries and what kind of condition your mouth is in. Many times, these physical things will let dentists know what kind of work you’ll need. For example, tooth condition can show that you need fillings or root canals, while gum condition might show that you need services for gingivitis. 

Discussion of Issues and Future Procedures

Once the x-rays and physical exam is done, the dentist will sit down with you and talk. Not only will they talk to you about their findings, but they’ll also talk with you about what kind of procedures or services you need. Some issues can only be fixed by a specific procedure, while others can be fixed through a few different methods. Together, you and your dentist will be able to figure out the best course of action. 

Schedule Next Appointment

The final thing you’ll do before leaving the office is making your next appointment. With some services, you’ll make multiple appointments, while other services will need to be scheduled one appointment at a time. They’ll let you know which one you’ll be doing and they’ll give you some kind of reminder to ensure you don’t miss your appointment. 

In conclusion, having a good dentist, like Colby Burke Hilton Head, and knowing what to expect before your appointment can help alleviate some of the anxiety and fear that comes with going to the dentist. The best thing you can do is be prepared and know what you’ll probably experience.

Dr. Eldor Brish Shares 5 Home Remedies for a Pinched Nerve

Pinched nerves can be an annoying, or even a debilitating condition when it comes to people who want to be productive. It can affect a person’s range of motion as well as the ability to move or to be still while staying comfortable. What are some of the best remedies for pinched nerves? In this article, we will be discovering some things you can do to relieve pinched nerve pain.

What are pinched nerves?

pinched nerve is a type of damage caused by the compression of a nerve or a set of nerves. Usually, a muscle, bone, or a spinal disc may have caused this compression causing swelling or pain.

According to Dr. Eldor Brish, the following are telltale signs that you may be suffering from a pinched nerve problem:

  • Tingling sensation – patients may feel pins and needles when moving a certain part of the body, most especially along the joints.
  • Numbness – alternatively, having a lack of sensation in a particular body part can also be a sign.
  • Burning – people who have pinched nerves may experience a sharp pain on certain postures when the nerve gets compressed.

Dr. Eldor Brish MD provides some helpful home remedies to help relieve pinched nerves.

5 Home Remedies for Pinched Nerve


  • Adjusting your posture or body positioning.

Often, the cause of pinched nerves is the constant posture or abrupt movements that irritated the nerve near bones, disc, or muscle. To avoid aggravating the condition, the person must be able to change the positioning of their body. They can choose to sit or stand in a different angle or adjust their equipment to avoid further nerve compression. For example, a pinched nerve located in the elbow may be caused by having a desk that is too high when typing on a computer. Using a table that is lower relaxes the joints and avoids the pinched nerve.

  • Rest the body part experiencing pain.

Dr. Eldor Brish recommends having a few days of rest rather than continuing to work and further irritating the nerve. You may opt to take a couple of days off to relieve the swelling caused by the compression. This can include changing your activities or reducing the hours of work that may have caused the pinched nerve. According to patients, the pain reduces significantly when they apply rest on the body part that is affected by the pinched nerve.

  • Try stretching exercises.

One thing to remember about the body is that the blood vessels can compress and stretch depending on the movements you perform. If you are experiencing pain from pinched nerves, you can start by having a few minutes a day of stretching on the affected body part. People who have pinched nerves just behind the knee can try calf stretches to straighten out the nerves. Be careful not to overstretch, as this may cause more pain when done incorrectly.

  • Apply heat for pain and ice for inflammation.

Heat can be used to address pain without inflammation. If you suspect a pinched nerve on a particular area without inflammation, you can use a warm compress for 10-15 minutes at a time. Heating the area reduces pain and lessens compression by increasing blood flow. However, if your pinched nerve has inflammation accompanying it, you may choose to use a cold compress. Ice can help constrict the blood vessels and minimize the complications of swelling. You can also apply the compress for 10-15 minutes at a time.

  • Take medications when necessary.

When the pain becomes too much, you can use over the counter medications to help relieve the symptoms of a pinched nerve. Some effective ones include ibuprofen and aspirin. However, before taking any medication, be sure to consult your doctor and read the instructions in the package. Remember that even over the counter medications can cause serious adverse reactions.  Also, make sure that you don’t take medication that would counter the effects or cause side effects when taken with pain-reducing drugs.

Use these home remedies to relieve moderate nerve pain. However, if you notice that you have total numbness, or if you lose your ability to hold or grasp things or loss of bowel and or bladder function, go to a doctor immediately as this may be indicative of a more serious nerve damage. Pay attention to your body as nerves respond well to early treatment.


6 Reasons Why Dental Insurance Doesn’t Cover Everything



Everyone needs dental services. Apart from the usual hygiene that a person can keep, other dental services such as cracks and gum issues require a dentist. Unfortunately, over 100 million Americans don’t have dental insurance plans. Although it is prohibitively expensive, it can also be painfully depressing to have one. Often, you have to pay out of the pocket every time you visit a dentist. Why does dental insurance cover so little?

Does Insurance Ever Cover Everything?

There is not one insurance cover in the world that covers everything. In fact, they have a 100—80—50 money formula. It is good to understand that insurance companies want to maximize profit. The deeper the service gets, the costlier it gets. For them, preventive services can be covered 100%. It is in their best interests that your situation does not escalate, but it not their business when you already need a dental surgeon. That is why they only cover 50% of crowns and such services.

Medicare Does Not Cover It

Historically, Medicare cover guides health insurance decisions. If they don’t have a comprehensive cover for dental work, don’t expect any private insurer to have one. The federal government backs Medicare, and it does not see the benefits of full coverage. Other insurers have simply taken the cue not to cover it fully. The little that Medicare covers leave the practitioners exposed.

The Distinctive Nature of Dentistry as a Profession

Traditionally, dentistry has not been a medical profession. Some players in the health sector don’t regard dentists as members of the esteemed class of medicine. When we talk of universal healthcare, dentistry plays a minor role in the discussion. Dentistry has a long way before it can get an honorable mention when we table a healthcare discussion. Just like general health insurance that started at the bottom of the pile, dental work coverage is following the same path. Don’t expect it to catch up with universal coverage any time soon.

Insurers Consider Non-Preventive Procedures Cosmetic

It is common practice for insurers to have the cheapest alternative when it comes to coverage. Instead of a crown, you will get a filling. That is an awful best alternative. Perhaps the problem lies elsewhere.

The pricing models of dentists leave a lot to be desired. One service will cost a tenth of what it costs in another practice. Such disparities don’t look good for an insurer who deals with small margins. They are, therefore, enticed into classifying some services elective. For instance, your teeth should be white, but whitening them is a cosmetic procedure that most insurance services will never cover.

UCR vs. Actual Charges

When they say usual, customary and reasonable (UCR), it means you have to chip in from the pocket. Dr. Summit Shah argues that actual charges often trend on the north of the UCR, never below it. Patients chip in up to 20% of the cost. Employers want to pay less, and insurers cannot do anything about it.

Designed As a Monetary Benefit

Most insurers indemnify dental health; they don’t cover it. That is why they place annual caps on claims and add copay arrangements.

According to Dr. Summit Shah, unless the insurance terms are attractive to the practitioners, most people will continue to neglect their dental health. For instance, Medicare presents a tedious administrative work that only inflates overhead costs for a practice. On the overall, there is little incentive to cover dental work in full.


6 Surprising Benefits Of Taking Probiotics


Studies have shown that the presence of friendly bacteria in the gut helps keep the body healthy. According to the Cleveland Clinic, probiotics is a term used to describe live bacteria and yeast that collectively benefit the digestive system. The good microorganism as they are called, works by reducing the population of bad bacteria, thus enhancing the health of the gut. Probiotics maintain a healthy balance by replacing bad bacteria with good ones. Probiotics are found in a number of foods, dietary supplements and naturally, in the gut.

The healthy bacteria populations that live naturally in the intestines include the Bifobacterium and Lactobacillus families of microorganism as well as the strain of yeast called Saccharomyces boulardii. The foods that contain probiotics include soy drinks and juices, buttermilk, sauerkraut, pickles and fermented and unfermented milk. The supplements with probiotics are mostly dietary in nature, and come in the form of tablets, capsule, liquid extracts and powders. According to Healthline, here are 6 surprising ways probiotics helps keep the body healthy:

  1. Aid in weight and belly fat loss – probiotics can help fight weight loss. Certain kinds of probiotics have been shown to be effective in preventing the rate at which intestines absorb dietary fat. The unabsorbed, accumulated fat is then excreted as fecal matter. Probiotics also hasten the burning of more calories. However, more studies regarding the effectiveness of probiotics in weight loss are on-going.

    2. Prevents diarrhea and certain types of digestive disorders – probiotics are widely acclaimed in scientific circles for their ability to prevent and ease severe diarrhea. In one study, researchers established that taking probiotics greatly reduced diarrhea associated with the taking antibiotic by up to 42%. Inflammatory bowel disorders like Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis can also be minimized by taking probiotics. The most effective probiotics here include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains.

    3. Enhance mental health – a number of human and animal studies have linked good mood and mental health to having a healthy gut. During the studies, it was established that taking food supplements with Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains for a few months helped enhance memory and eased anxiety.

    4. Keeps the heart healthy – the health of the heart has far reaching implications on the entire body. Researchers have shown that probiotics have the ability to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and blood pressure. One of the most effective probiotics in this regard is found in lactic acid. Probiotics also have the capacity to break down cholesterol based bile, thereby preventing the re-absorption of cholesterol from the gut into the bloodstream.

    5. Boost immune system – a strong immune system helps fight diseases inside the body. Probiotics can boost the immune system and prevent the growth of bacteria that may harm the body. Certain strains have also been shown to boost the production of antibodies and immune cells like the T lymphocytes and IgA producing cells. Studies are ongoing to establish the effects of probiotics on the immune system.

    6. Fight allergies and eczema – studies have shown that certain strains of probiotics can fight eczema, especially in children. One such study established that children who took probiotics while in the mother’s womb had 83% less chance of developing eczema within the first 2 years of infancy.

    About Dr. Usha Rajagopal 
    Dr. Usha Rajagopal is a widely regarded plastic surgeon and health and beauty expert based in the Bay Area of San Francisco. The board certified surgeon is the Medical Chief of the San Francisco Plastic Surgery and Laser Center. Outside her practice, Dr. Usha Rajagopal cares a lot about philanthropy. She established a $500 scholarship as a way to give to give back to the community and sensitize students about various health and lifestyle issues.