Colby Burke Discusses What to Expect When Seeing a Hilton Head Dentist for the First Time

Many people are very scared of going to the dentist and it’s even more true for those that are going for their first time or visiting a new doctor. Some of this anxiety can be reduced by just having an idea of what to expect. Pair that with a good dentist, such as, 
Colby Burke Hilton Head and you’ll be able to go to your appointment with little to no fear. With that said, take a look at these 5 things you should expect at your first dental appointment. 

New Paperwork

One of the first things you’ll do when you get to the office is fill out paperwork. If you’ve been to the doctor before, then you’ll know that these can take a little while to complete. They’ll probably have you show up around 15 minutes before your actual appointment. Not only will these papers ask about past work, but they’ll also ask about insurance and any health issues that you might have. These answers will help your dentist take better care of you. 


Next, the dentist will probably have you do some x-rays. These can take a bit of time and be a little bit uncomfortable, but they need to get many different shots. The reason these are so important is because there could be things going on that can’t be seen with the naked eye. These will also help your dentist figure out what kind of work you need done and if there’s anything that needs dealt with right away. 

Thorough Exam

After your x-rays, the dentist will want to do a thorough exam. This will let them see how much plaque there is, any cavities or tooth injuries and what kind of condition your mouth is in. Many times, these physical things will let dentists know what kind of work you’ll need. For example, tooth condition can show that you need fillings or root canals, while gum condition might show that you need services for gingivitis. 

Discussion of Issues and Future Procedures

Once the x-rays and physical exam is done, the dentist will sit down with you and talk. Not only will they talk to you about their findings, but they’ll also talk with you about what kind of procedures or services you need. Some issues can only be fixed by a specific procedure, while others can be fixed through a few different methods. Together, you and your dentist will be able to figure out the best course of action. 

Schedule Next Appointment

The final thing you’ll do before leaving the office is making your next appointment. With some services, you’ll make multiple appointments, while other services will need to be scheduled one appointment at a time. They’ll let you know which one you’ll be doing and they’ll give you some kind of reminder to ensure you don’t miss your appointment. 

In conclusion, having a good dentist, like Colby Burke Hilton Head, and knowing what to expect before your appointment can help alleviate some of the anxiety and fear that comes with going to the dentist. The best thing you can do is be prepared and know what you’ll probably experience.